Indigenous peoples and responsible data: an introductory reading list

/ September 22, 2017

Last month, a member of the Responsible Data community asked the mailing list about responsible data protocols for indigenous communities. This prompted the community to share what turned out to be a wealth of resources.

We’ve collected them all below. Together, they offer an introduction to the topic of responsible data protocols for indigenous communities. We’d like to thank Eimear Farrell, Anna Levy, Linda Raftree, Vanessa Raymond and Javier Ruiz for contributing to the discussion, and suggesting these resources.

We’ve divided the suggested works into sections: examples of ethical research guidelines for working with indigenous people, responsible data research guidelines, examples of indigenous data initiatives, and upcoming projects.

If you spot gaps in the list, send over references to research[at], and we’ll add them in. And if you’re interested in responsible data-related discussions like this, join the Responsible Data mailing list!

Examples of research protocols for respecting the rights of indigenous people

Data-related guidelines

Data initiatives with indigenous communities

Upcoming projects

Open North is currently working in collaboration with the British Columbia First Nations’ Data Governance Initiative (BCFNDGI) and regional First Nations leaders to research the relationship between open data and indigenous data sovereignty. The result of these conversations, ‘Decolonizing Data: Indigenous Data Sovereignty Primer’, will be released over the coming months.

About the contributor

Paola is a Belgian-Peruvian historian, writer and creative coder. Her broad range of interests motivated her to pursue studies in the history of solidarity, logic, and digital humanities. Prior to joining The Engine Room, she worked as journalist, as a research assistant at the University College of London, and as a UX designer at Amnesty International. She’s always up for a chat about archives, creative coding, and NBA trivia.

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