The RD community is a place for those who are using data in social change and advocacy to develop practical approaches to deal with the ethical, legal, social and privacy-related challenges they face. We are an open and inclusive group of people from diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.We look out for emerging areas where data in all its forms might be having unintended consequences in advocacy and activism, and we bring people together to figure out what to do as a result. We welcome new members – join us!
Write a blog post: share your thoughts or learnings around responsible data topics, either as a cross-post from another blog or as an original piece. If you don’t have institutional support, we can offer a modest fee for writing, and in all cases we can provide editorial support.
Share your work: a core aim of the responsible data community is to increase visibility around great RD work that is going on. If you’re launching a new RD policy, doing some RD research or a new RD project, we’d love to feature your work on the site – just get in touch.
Share your thoughts on Twitter: Use #responsibledata to share links to articles or resources you think would be of interest to the community – these will be curated and shared via the newsletter.
Contribute to the Mission Responsible newsletter: Every two months, we put the spotlight on a member of the Responsible Data community, talking about what they do and how their work contributes to the topics around responsible data. If you have suggestions for things to include, or if you’d like to be featured, get in touch with us on hello[at]
Through our experience in hosting and co-organising Responsible Data Forum events, we have an adaptable and agile format that encourages a small group of participants to work together to collaboratively develop useful resources and tools to address the topic in question. Hosts are expected to bring sector-specific expertise; budget or a willingness to fundraise.
News of upcoming events will be shared on the responsible data mailing list, and on the blog.
Follow Us
- Join the RD mailing list
- subscribe to the Mission Responsible newsletter
- Keep an eye on #responsibledata on Twitter.
Not sure of the difference?
The RD mailing list is a listserv where anyone who is subscribed can write to the whole group – it’s for discussions, sharing resources, and getting the attention of everyone who is subscribed to the list.
The Mission Responsible newsletter is a broadcast format – once every two months, we put the spotlight on a member of the Responsible Data community, talking about what they do and how their work contributes to the topics around responsible data.