We’re pleased to be working with Oxfam to host an RDF working session on developing a data-deposit decision-making framework on November 19 at 10am EST (3pm GMT). This working session is an opportunity for practitioners to share similar initiatives in opening data that they are working on in order to solicit suggestions, feedback and ideas from the responsible data community of practice. Mark Elliot of the UK Anonymisation Network will also be joining us to share his experience working with Oxfam and other organizations on similar decision-making frameworks, and good practices for such policies.
Oxfam’s data-deposit decision-making framework is a tool to help their staff know when, how and where to share data within the organization and externally. This framework outlines how Oxfam classifies data that will and won’t be shared, and helps to balance potential good with potential risk. Oxfam developed this working with RDF and the UK Anonymity Network before identifying the UK Data Service as a safe platform to share data. You can read more about the process so far on the Oxfam Policy & Practice blog.
If you are in the process of developing similar tools or policies, or if you have expertise in this area, we hope you’ll consider joining us for this working session!
This online discussion is a closed and informal working session. The Oxfam team has developed an internal process for decision-making around sharing data, but want to make it clear that they are by no means purporting to have a gold standard. Therefore, this discussion will be held in the spirit of collaborative working and safe space keeping in mind that they have faced challenges along the way and that there are still many questions to address. Oxfam is delighted to have this opportunity to get input from the RDF community!
If you want to join this discussion, we require that you RSVP using this form. One week before the discussion, you will receive instructions on how to join the call.
We will start with a webinar-style format in which the Oxfam team will present the status of their work so far and share what they’ve learned along the way. Mark Elliot will briefly share his experiences and learnings. Then, the moderator will open it up for questions, ideas and discussion. We want to make a safe space for this discussion so we have decided not to record this meeting. Instead, we will use Chatham House rules, record unattributed notes, and document a summary that will be shared on the responsible data website.
Questions? Concerns? You can contact me directly.
– Kristin Antin
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