Data in the Project Lifecycle

/ October 28, 2014

A lightweight tool for data project implementers to help plan their projects and check whether they are being responsible with their data at every step, both for planned and emerging risks.

Where this comes from: This resource was developed by practitioners at the Responsible Data Resource Sprint in Budapest, and was inspired by: Primer on Responsible Development Data, Geeks without Bounds Whitepaper on the Responsible Data Lifecycle, and the Data Pipeline blog post by Heather Leson.

Draft completed, now seeking additional input.

About the contributor

Maya is an interdisciplinary technologist, researcher and improvisational electronic musician based in Berlin. In 2012, she worked with Development Seed, building websites and interactive maps. Later, she worked as a research assistant for Gabriella Coleman investigating the politics of hackers, and as a radio show host for a feminist, artist-run centre. She is now working with organizations of all sizes to influence their security culture, in addition to managing and developing new internal tech processes for a distributed organization.

See Maya's Articles

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