The Responsible Resource Creator Manifesto – new draft published

/ February 5, 2015

Practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds are continuing to develop the Responsible Resource Creator Manifesto, which aims to address the fact that resources and materials created for the development and human rights sectors aren’t always properly maintained or cared for after their release. 

Fabriders and others have been working on the manifesto and introducing it to new communities – and the latest draft is now here. It’s a declaration of values and commitments that allows resource-creators to hold themselves and each other accountable to their stakeholders for protecting and preserving those resources.

Dirk at Fabriders is looking for feedback on the manifesto – leave a comment on the page or get in touch with him: info [at] He is also keen to list any resources that have been developed that have followed (or will follow) some of the recommendations. Do you have any real-world examples to share?

Where did the manifesto come from?

The manifesto was first discussed here and further developed by practitioners at the Budapest Responsible Data Resource Sprint. The first draft of the manifesto was posted here.

Want to help improve some of the resources developed during Responsible Data Forums?

The responsible data community has created 16 other resources designed to address challenges that data-driven development, human rights and humanitarian projects face, and are looking for organisations to help develop or test them. Take a look at the full set here, and comment below or get in touch on contact [at] if you’d like to get involved.

About the contributor

Tom started out writing and editing for newspapers, consultancies and think tanks on topics including politics and corruption in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, then moved into designing and managing election-related projects in countries including Myanmar, Bangladesh, Rwanda and Bolivia. After getting interested in what data and technology could add in those areas and elsewhere, he made a beeline for The Engine Room. Tom is trying to read all of the Internet, but mostly spends his time picking out useful resources and trends for organisations using technology in their work.

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