Frameworks for responsible ICT innovation and research

/ January 16, 2015

The Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT project is a three-year effort to investigate how to conduct ICT research in general in a responsible manner, funded by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Responsible Resource Observatory

Many of the issues discussed and resources provided are relevant to concerns expressed in Responsible Data Forum events. The project has three parts:

  1. landscape study interviewing 45 ICT researchers as well as representatives from industry, civil society and professional organisations.
  2. A framework to help ICT researchers and innovators navigate the difficult social and ethical questions their work can raise (a summary table in the picture below – each question)Responsible Resource Innovation Framework
  3. A Responsible Research and Innovation Observatory – a website to share resources and best practice with a community including companies, regulators, civil society, users, funders and others.

This article introduces the project and summarises its main findings so far.

About the contributor

Tom started out writing and editing for newspapers, consultancies and think tanks on topics including politics and corruption in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, then moved into designing and managing election-related projects in countries including Myanmar, Bangladesh, Rwanda and Bolivia. After getting interested in what data and technology could add in those areas and elsewhere, he made a beeline for The Engine Room. Tom is trying to read all of the Internet, but mostly spends his time picking out useful resources and trends for organisations using technology in their work.

See Tom's Articles

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