Data & Society Fellowships for 2015

/ November 17, 2014

Data & Society is looking to assemble its 2015 class of fellows. The fellowship program brings together a network of researchers, entrepreneurs, activists, policy creators, journalists, geeks, and public intellectuals, who would have partial residence in Manhattan. Potential fellows are invited to imagine a specific project or activity that they will execute to help society’s understanding of and ability to adapt to a world permeated by data.

Data & Society is ‘open to a wide range of potential outputs, from white papers and op-eds to multi-stakeholder events to technological artifacts’, and ‘especially interested in interdisciplinary, cross-sector, or crazy ideas that tackle challenges facing society that don’t easily fit into a predefined category or box’.

The deadline for applications is 13 December. Details on how to apply here.

About the contributor

Tom started out writing and editing for newspapers, consultancies and think tanks on topics including politics and corruption in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, then moved into designing and managing election-related projects in countries including Myanmar, Bangladesh, Rwanda and Bolivia. After getting interested in what data and technology could add in those areas and elsewhere, he made a beeline for The Engine Room. Tom is trying to read all of the Internet, but mostly spends his time picking out useful resources and trends for organisations using technology in their work.

See Tom's Articles

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