It seems like there has been a lot of questions amongst the members of the Responsible Data listserv on issues related to de-identification, including when we should do it and what the potential risks and harms may be. Therefore, we are coordinating an online discussion on De-identifying data: an introduction for advocacy organisations on Friday, June 19 at 3pm GMT / 4pm BST. We know that it is not the easiest but the goal of this online discussion to make de-identification more approachable (and understandable) for advocacy and open data initiatives.
We will have Mark Elliot of Manchester University and the UK Anonymisation Network leading us in this discussion and we hope that you will join us to bring your practical experiences and de-identification questions to the event.
How to join
Join us for one hour on Friday, June 19 at 11am EDT / 3pm GMT / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST. This event will take place online using GoToMeeting (system requirements for attendees). At the time of the meeting, go to https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/423388589. You can also dial in using your phone:
UK +44 (0) 330 221 0086
USA +1 (224) 501-3217
and this access code: 423-388-589
This is an open event but if you do think that you will be joining us please RSVP for this event and tell us a bit about your de-identification experience, interest and questions.
We are also looking for contributors to continue developing the De-Identification Suggestions framework developed at the Responsible Data Forum’s Resource Sprint in Budapest. The framework lists common types of data, a list of de-identification solutions for these types of data, and some suggestions about what forms of de-identification are most useful for each type of data.